Digital and Traditional Illustration
Art Direction
Graphic Design
UX / UI Design
Brand Discovery, Strategy, and Development
Front-End Development

Hey there! I'm Coe Lacy, an illustrator, designer, and creative director based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I've drawn since I was a wee one, influenced by comic books and academic renderings of dinosaurs. Finding music in high school, I left drawing for a long time to hone my rock chops and immerse myself  for 20 years in gigging, jamming, and head banging.

I returned to drawing through music as part of the typical DIY musician attitude. We needed gig posters, so I took a crack at it and rediscovered a long lost friend. I jumped right into digital tools and found a knack for vector art, but over the past couple years have begun the shift back to traditional art and couldn't be happier.

I specialize in bright, bold designs with strong linework. If you've got a project or just want to chat, drop me a line on my contact form. For some of my most recent ink and charcoal work, head on over to my Instagram page. Thanks, friend! 

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